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Strange things often happen in the small town of Ponyville.

From the return of Nightmare Moon to the clashes between Town Hall and Discord cultists to the arrival of the mysterious mailbox, Dusty Roads will strive to keep the inhabitants of Ponyville up to date on important information.

A crossover with Welcome to Night Vale.

Chapters (3)

An evil of terrible power was set loose on the land and now the ponies must depend on a hero from another world to save them all from doom.

A warrior risen from the dead to keep fighting even the most terrifying of beasts, the Ashen One as he is called appears in their hour of need.

Too bad he's not very good at helping others in need.

Chapters (1)

As Celestia's personal student, there was no doubt in Sunset Shimmer's mind that she was the most powerful Unicorn in Equestria. There was no spell she couldn't master, no lesson she couldn't learn...save for one.

Hoping to rectify the situation, Princess Celestia broke one of her own rules and unearthed Starswirl's Mirror, hoping that, by gazing into it, Sunset would see what she always wanted. Unfortunately, the plan worked a little TOO well, but not in the manner she hoped.

Cast out and believing herself betrayed by Celestia, a desperate Sunset decides to seek out her 'Hearts Desire' on the other side of the Mirror...to a place where she will learn the lessons Celestia so desperately wished for her to learn: that Friendship is Magic.

Chapters (7)

Takes place during Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga, just after the Koopaling boss battles.

After the Koopalings fail to defeat the Mario Brothers, the evil witch Cackletta banishes them from Mushroom World. The children of Bowser soon find themselves in a strange world populated by strangely-colored talking ponies with a strange fascination with the concept of friendship. While Princess Celestia works on a way to send them back, Ludwig, Lemmy, Roy, Iggy, Morton, Wendy, and Larry must each move in with various ponies in town and adjust to life in a world where kidnapping princesses is not a normal occurrence. Will the Koopalings finally break free of the monotony of being Daddy's Little Villains and make some real friends? Will they finally have the chance to carve their own paths in this world, and pursue their dreams? And most importantly, what will happen when they finally can go back? Will they want to?

Rated T for some minor language and some crude humor.

Chapters (4)

A MLP: FIM/Them's Fightin' Herds Crossover.

After another magical mishap, courtesy of Starlight and Trixie, Spike ends up in the world of FÅ“num. With no other alternatives, Spike must learn how to fight for himself, if he is to stand a chance to survive in a world where "survival of the fittest" takes a whole new meaning.

Meanwhile, Starlight, Trixie, and Thorax will have to work on finding an answer to bring Spike back home, before Twilight finds out.

Rated violence for the fights.

Co-Author: Needed.
Editor: Kikio3000 Needed
Proofreader: Needed.

Chapters (19)

"My name is Crystal Faire, but your reality knows me as Flurry Heart. You may call me that if you wish.

"In some places, I am a monarch all of my own in my prime, I am aged and retired in other places, and I am deceased in others still. I go by many names in each of those realities. I have been to them.

"My mission is to travel the multiverse and save it one timeline at a time. But the multiverse is breaking down and timelines are collapsing and I do not know why. I have always been a master of time and I have always been on my own, but the past has a habit of catching up and I fear that my lonesome may no longer be enough..."

Digital pdf version here
Print book version here

Crystal Faire vector art by Little Tigress / moonlightfan (dA)
Edited by PoisonClaw
Preread by Onyx Archer

Featured on 4/26/17!
Featured on Equestria Daily! 7/26/17
Goodreads entry~

Ask Me Anything 7/5/17
Ask Me Anything 2/4/18

Official FimFiction group

Chapters (33)

When Twilight Sparkle had the magical surge that cemented her place as Celestia's student, the amount of power she released not only hatched a baby Dragon, it brought forth something else. Something that shouldn't exist any more.
Something that has Celestia worried.

A fluffy puppy.

[Despite the gore tag it's rather light on that, and they have yet to make a lewd tag and there's a bit of that.]

Editing help by Lawlypops, ThatNoobpony and people in the comments.

Modoc is converting this story into a youtube audio format if you'd rather listen to the story. That link is here.

Cover art by marking

Season two is live here, Season 2

Chapters (122)

Benjamin Kirby Tennyson, more commonly known as Ben Ten, the former wielder of the Omnitrix, and current wielder of the Ultimatrix, has lost.

Even one of his most powerful transformations failed to defeat Diagon, a self proclaimed god and demon from a realm beyond his.

Instead of leaving Ben right after to fight George, and with victory soon at hand, Diagon casted Ben away to the most remote corner of the Multiverse it could find without care.

Now, the saviour of the universe must figure out where he has been sent to, and how to get back before it is too late, if it isn't already.

Story begins near the start of Season 2 Episode 4.

Chapters (5)

[ Inspired off Season 5 Finale - Nightmare Moon Verse ]
Social reject, blank flank, and failed candidate for Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, Twilight Sparkle's life couldn't get anymore depressing even if she tried. Yet still she looks to the other things in her life to get by, such as her job selling donuts at Joe's Bakery, her best friend Smarty Pants, as well as her inspiration to someday be as great as The Great and Powerful Trixie herself! Life isn't as bad as it may seem, and she enjoys the simplicity of her daily routine, the peace of her recluse world. That is until suddenly she is targeted by the current ruling body of Equestria, Nightmare Moon herself!? Perhaps she spoke too soon. Better run Twilight, destiny is calling!

Chapters (38)

Now what do you do?

When you've been gone for more than a thousand years, you have a lot to catch up on. You may even owe a ton of apologies. Heroes old and new must deal with the consequences of their choices, each in their own ways.

And before they settle down in the new realm, the Pillars will become acquainted with the Spirit of Chaos himself.

Chapters (13)